Saturday, September 12, 2015

Carl Garner Federal Lands Clean-up Day

They have a full day of activities at Greer Ferry Lake in Arkansas on this day associated with cleaning up our environment. I live in an apartment that has a view and is on the Wisconsin River and it has an effect on my wife and I to just be near the water. The water needs to be taken care of and not taken for granted.

Thanks to all who take time to keep our environment protected.


  1. Hi Jim, thanks so much for your post about the Greers Ferry Lake & Little Red RIver Cleanup. I just wanted to report that this year we had over 700 people volunteer and hundreds of pounds of trash picked up around the lake, in the lake & river and around the shoreline neighborhoods in the area. We are in the process of getting photos uploaded and should have them updated soon. Check back in the next week or so at

    Also, we are just curious did you know Carl? Thanks for everything you do. It does make a difference! Kindest Regards.
    GFL/LRR Tourism Association

  2. Hi Jim, thanks so much for your post about the Greers Ferry Lake & Little Red RIver Cleanup. I just wanted to report that this year we had over 700 people volunteer and hundreds of pounds of trash picked up around the lake, in the lake & river and around the shoreline neighborhoods in the area. We are in the process of getting photos uploaded and should have them updated soon. Check back in the next week or so at

    Also, we are just curious did you know Carl? Thanks for everything you do. It does make a difference! Kindest Regards.
    GFL/LRR Tourism Association

    1. I did not know Carl. Your site and a little background off the internet is all I had to go by. He sounds like quite a man. I've been in the Renewable Energy Program at MSTC(Mid-State Technical College) in Wisconsin Rapids, Wisconsin and am developing a great appreciation for those who care about our planet and do what they can to make it a better place. Carl sure fits this description! And you and your organization fits also. Keep up the good work and God bless you for all you do.
